Eventos Esportivos

Promovemos competições e eventos para jovens atletas em Miguel Pereira.

Atividades Culturais

Dança, teatro e artes para jovens talentos em formação.

Reforço Escolar

Aulas de informática e apoio escolar para todos os jovens.

Several athletes in sports attire are on an outdoor sports field, interacting and smiling. One individual in the foreground waves with a friendly expression, while another stands beside her, also smiling. They wear protective goggles and gear associated with lacrosse. The background features indistinct figures in dark clothing against a backdrop of stadium seating.
Several athletes in sports attire are on an outdoor sports field, interacting and smiling. One individual in the foreground waves with a friendly expression, while another stands beside her, also smiling. They wear protective goggles and gear associated with lacrosse. The background features indistinct figures in dark clothing against a backdrop of stadium seating.
A group of people, likely athletes, are gathered together on a sports field. They are wearing black jackets with some individuals dressed in white sports uniforms underneath. A few people have their hair tied up in buns, and most are engaged in conversation. The background shows tiered stadium seats, suggesting the setting is an outdoor sports venue.
A group of people, likely athletes, are gathered together on a sports field. They are wearing black jackets with some individuals dressed in white sports uniforms underneath. A few people have their hair tied up in buns, and most are engaged in conversation. The background shows tiered stadium seats, suggesting the setting is an outdoor sports venue.
Futebol Infantil

Participe do nosso torneio de futebol para crianças e jovens.

Natação Avançada

Aulas de natação para jovens atletas em nível avançado.

Dança Criativa

Oferecemos aulas de dança para todas as idades e níveis.

Eventos Esportivos

Participe de nossas competições e eventos culturais, promovendo o desenvolvimento e a valorização dos jovens talentos em diversas modalidades esportivas.


Miguel Pereira, RJ


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